Table of Contents > Film Photos 1987-1995

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Next: New Mexico, 1989-1990, Part 2

New Mexico, 1989-1990

In the summer of 1989 I moved for a year to Albuquerque, New Mexico. After a lifetime living mostly on the east coast, the change to the desert, the clear air, the stunning landforms and the strange flora was extremely stimulating. The landscape and the new kinds of light and subject were a new photographic challenge, and caused me to change quite a lot about how I took pictures. I did a lot of hiking and travelling with a camera that year, and this set shows some of the better results.

sunset desert plant cactus cholla

Aug 15 1989

Sandia Foothills: Albuquerque, New Mexico

sunset, desert

plant > cactus > cholla

 flower plant phlox

almost certainly some kind of phlox

Aug 15 1989

Sandia Foothills: Albuquerque, New Mexico

flower; plant > phlox

sunset clouds

Aug 15 1989

Sandia Foothills: Albuquerque, New Mexico

sunset, clouds

sunset silhouette desert plant cactus cholla

Aug 15 1989

Sandia Foothills: Albuquerque, New Mexico

sunset, silhouette, desert

plant > cactus > cholla


Aug 16 1989

Sandia Foothills (Embudo - Embudito): Albuquerque, New Mexico



Aug 16 1989

Sandia Foothills (Embudo - Embudito): Albuquerque, New Mexico



Aug 16 1989

Sandia Foothills (Embudo - Embudito): Albuquerque, New Mexico



Aug 16 1989

Sandia Foothills (Embudo - Embudito): Albuquerque, New Mexico


clouds desert plant sunflower

Aug 16 1989

Sandia Foothills (Embudo - Embudito): Albuquerque, New Mexico

clouds, desert

plant > sunflower

woods silhouette clouds

Aug 16 1989

Sandia Foothills (Embudo - Embudito): Albuquerque, New Mexico

woods, silhouette, clouds

 flower plant nightshade

Presumably solanum elaeagnifolium, the silverleaf nightshade

Aug 17 1989

Petroglyph Monument: Albuquerque, New Mexico

flower; plant > nightshade


Aug 17 1989

Petroglyph Monument: Albuquerque, New Mexico


desert bird roadrunner

Aug 17 1989

Petroglyph Monument: Albuquerque, New Mexico


bird > roadrunner

sunset river

Aug 17 1989

Rio Grande: Albuquerque, New Mexico

sunset, river

desert clouds

Aug 17 1989

Rio Grande: Albuquerque, New Mexico

desert, clouds

desert insect caterpillar

Aug 18 1989

Sandia Foothills (Pino Canyon): Albuquerque, New Mexico


insect > caterpillar

desert flower plant thistle

Aug 18 1989

Sandia Foothills (Pino Canyon): Albuquerque, New Mexico


flower; plant > thistle

desert dry plant cactus cholla

Aug 18 1989

Sandia Foothills (Pino Canyon): Albuquerque, New Mexico


dry; plant > cactus > cholla

desert flower plant sunflower

Aug 18 1989

Sandia Foothills (Pino Canyon): Albuquerque, New Mexico


flower; plant > sunflower

desert plant uncertain

Aug 18 1989

Sandia Foothills (Pino Canyon): Albuquerque, New Mexico


plant > uncertain


Aug 18 1989

Sandia Foothills (Pino Canyon): Albuquerque, New Mexico


desert flower plant sunflower

Aug 18 1989

Sandia Foothills (Pino Canyon): Albuquerque, New Mexico


flower; plant > sunflower

 flower plant dayflower

Aug 18 1989

Sandia Foothills (Pino Canyon): Albuquerque, New Mexico

flower; plant > dayflower

 flower plant nightshade

Aug 18 1989

Sandia Foothills (Pino Canyon): Albuquerque, New Mexico

flower; plant > nightshade

 flower plant bluebell

Aug 18 1989

Sandia Foothills (Pino Canyon): Albuquerque, New Mexico

flower; plant > bluebell

 flower plant allium

Aug 18 1989

Sandia Foothills (Pino Canyon): Albuquerque, New Mexico

flower; plant > allium

 flower plant uncertain

corydalis aurea (scrambled eggs) ??

Aug 18 1989

Sandia Foothills (Pino Canyon): Albuquerque, New Mexico

flower; plant > uncertain

 flower plant penstemon

probably Whipple’s penstemon

Aug 18 1989

Sandia Foothills (Pino Canyon): Albuquerque, New Mexico

flower; plant > penstemon

 flower plant skyrocket (scarlet gilia)

Aug 18 1989

Sandia Foothills (Pino Canyon): Albuquerque, New Mexico

flower; plant > skyrocket (scarlet gilia)

 flower plant aquilegia

Aug 18 1989

Sandia Foothills (Pino Canyon): Albuquerque, New Mexico

flower; plant > aquilegia

 flower plant daisy plant uncertain

Aug 18 1989

Sandia Foothills (Pino Canyon): Albuquerque, New Mexico

flower; plant > daisy; plant > uncertain

 insect caterpillar

Probably the caterpillar of the spotted tussock moth

Aug 18 1989

Sandia Foothills (Pino Canyon): Albuquerque, New Mexico

insect > caterpillar

woods rock mountain desert

Aug 18 1989

Sandia Foothills (Pino Canyon): Albuquerque, New Mexico

woods, rock, mountain, desert

artifact sunset silhouette clouds

Aug 19 1989

Albuquerque, New Mexico

artifact, sunset, silhouette, clouds

artifact sunset silhouette clouds

Aug 19 1989

Albuquerque, New Mexico

artifact, sunset, silhouette, clouds

 flower plant skyrocket (scarlet gilia)

Aug 20 1989

Fourth of July CG Area: Albuquerque, New Mexico

flower; plant > skyrocket (scarlet gilia)

 flower plant milkvetch

Aug 20 1989

Fourth of July CG Area: Albuquerque, New Mexico

flower; plant > milkvetch

 flower plant paintbrush

Aug 20 1989

Fourth of July CG Area: Albuquerque, New Mexico

flower; plant > paintbrush

desert clouds

Aug 22 1989

Quarai, Salinas Pueblo Mission Monument: Mountainair, New Mexico

desert, clouds

desert clouds

Aug 22 1989

Quarai, Salinas Pueblo Mission Monument: Mountainair, New Mexico

desert, clouds

desert clouds building

Aug 22 1989

Quarai, Salinas Pueblo Mission Monument: Mountainair, New Mexico

desert, clouds, building

 bird roadrunner

Aug 22 1989

Quarai, Salinas Pueblo Mission Monument: Mountainair, New Mexico

bird > roadrunner

desert clouds building

Aug 22 1989

Quarai, Salinas Pueblo Mission Monument: Mountainair, New Mexico

desert, clouds, building

 flower plant geranium

Aug 22 1989

Quarai, Salinas Pueblo Mission Monument: Mountainair, New Mexico

flower; plant > geranium

woods clouds plant pine

Aug 23 1989

Otero Canyon Trail: Albuquerque, New Mexico

woods, clouds

plant > pine

 plant cactus

Aug 23 1989

Otero Canyon Trail: Albuquerque, New Mexico

plant > cactus


Sep 2 1989

Acoma: Albuquerque, New Mexico



Sep 2 1989

Acoma: Albuquerque, New Mexico



Sep 2 1989

Acoma: Albuquerque, New Mexico



Sep 2 1989

Acoma: Albuquerque, New Mexico


Prev: Maryland Winter, 1988

Next: New Mexico, 1989-1990, Part 2

Table of Contents > Film Photos 1987-1995